Оборудование для промышленной автоматизации

Встраиваемые компьютеры — Страница 28

iDoor Module: WiFi 802.11 a/b/g/n 2T2R w/ Bluetooth4.0, Half-size mPCIe, 2-port SMA<br /> <br /> The PCM-24 series are categorized as communication modules from Advantech iDoor Technology. They are all compatible with the PCI Express® Mini Card Specification Revision 1.2. including Isolated / Non-Isolated RS-232/422/485 communication cards for automation control, Wi-Fi/3G/GPS/GSM/LTE wireless communication models for data exchange during the management and machine level of automation application, Zigbee module as an IoT terminal or controller and PoE function for smart camera in detect inspection application of production. This is a flexible design that enables customers to customize their features which meet iDoor Technology.
iDoor Module: 24-Channels Isolated Digital I/O with counter mPCIe, DB37<br /> <br /> The PCM-27 series are categorized as digital input/output modules from Advantech iDoor Technology. They are all compatible with the PCI Express® Mini Card Specification Revision 1.2. including Isolated / Non-Isolated RS-232/422/485 communication cards for automation control, Wi-Fi/3G/GPS/GSM/LTE wireless communication models for data exchange during the management and machine level of automation application, Zigbee module as an IoT terminal or controller and PoE function for smart camera in detect inspection application of production. This is a flexible design that enables customers to customize their features which meet iDoor Technology.
iDoor Module: 4-Ports Non-Isolated RS-232 mPCIe, DB37<br /> <br /> The PCM-24 series are categorized as communication modules from Advantech iDoor Technology. They are all compatible with the PCI Express® Mini Card Specification Revision 1.2. including Isolated / Non-Isolated RS-32/422/485 communication cards for automation control, Wi-Fi/3G/GPS/GSM/LTE wireless communication models for data exchange during the management and machine level of automation application, Zigbee module as an IoT terminal or controller and PoE function for smart camera in detect inspection application of production. This is a flexible design that enables customers to customize their features which meet iDoor Technology.
iDoor Module: 4-Ports Non-Isolated RS-422/485 mPCIe, DB37<br /> <br /> The PCM-24 series are categorized as communication modules from Advantech iDoor Technology. They are all compatible with the PCI Express® Mini Card Specification Revision 1.2. including Isolated / Non-Isolated RS-232/422/485 communication cards for automation control, Wi-Fi/3G/GPS/GSM/LTE wireless communication models for data exchange during the management and machine level of automation application, Zigbee module as an IoT terminal or controller and PoE function for smart camera in detect inspection application of production. This is a flexible design that enables customers to customize their features which meet iDoor Technology.
iDoor Module: 2-Ports Isolated RS-232 mPCIe, DB9<br /> <br /> The PCM-24 series are categorized as communication modules from Advantech iDoor Technology. They are all compatible with the PCI Express® Mini Card Specification Revision 1.2. including Isolated / Non-Isolated RS-32/422/485 communication cards for automation control, Wi-Fi/3G/GPS/GSM/LTE wireless communication models for data exchange during the management and machine level of automation application, Zigbee module as an IoT terminal or controller and PoE function for smart camera in detect inspection application of production. This is a flexible design that enables customers to customize their features which meet iDoor Technology.
iDoor Module: 2-Ports Isolated RS-422/485 mPCIe, DB9<br /> <br /> The PCM-24 series are categorized as communication modules from Advantech iDoor Technology. They are all compatible with the PCI Express® Mini Card Specification Revision 1.2. including Isolated / Non-Isolated RS-32/422/485 communication cards for automation control, Wi-Fi/3G/GPS/GSM/LTE wireless communication models for data exchange during the management and machine level of automation application, Zigbee module as an IoT terminal or controller and PoE function for smart camera in detect inspection application of production. This is a flexible design that enables customers to customize their features which meet iDoor Technology.
iDoor Module: 2-Port Hilscher netX100 FieldBus mPCIe, POWERLINK, RJ45<br /> <br /> The PCM-26 series is categorized as Industrial Communication with Fieldbus Protocol modules from Advantech iDoor Technology. They are all compatible with the PCI Express® Mini Card Specification Revision 1.2. including Isolated / Non-Isolated RS-232/422/485 communication cards for automation control, Wi-Fi/3G/GPS/GSM/LTE wireless communication<br /> models for data exchange during the management and machine level of automation application, Zigbee module as an IoT terminal or controller and PoE function for smart camera in detect inspection application of production. This is a flexible design that enables customers to customize their features which meet iDoor Technology.
iDoor Module: 2-Port Hilscher netX100 FieldBus mPCIe, Sercos III, RJ45<br /> <br /> The PCM-26 series is categorized as Industrial Communication with Fieldbus Protocol modules from Advantech iDoor Technology. They are all compatible with the PCI Express® Mini Card Specification Revision 1.2. including Isolated / Non-Isolated RS-232/422/485 communication cards for automation control, Wi-Fi/3G/GPS/GSM/LTE wireless communication models for data exchange during the management and machine level of automation application, Zigbee module as an IoT terminal or controller and PoE function for smart camera in detect inspection application of production. This is a flexible design that enables customers to customize their features which meet iDoor Technology.
2-Port Hilscher netX100 FieldBus mPCIe, EtherNet/IP, RJ45<br /> <br /> The PCM-26 series is categorized as Industrial Communication with Fieldbus Protocol modules from Advantech iDoor Technology. They are all compatible with the PCI Express® Mini Card Specification Revision 1.2. including Isolated / Non-Isolated RS-232/422/485 communication cards for automation control, Wi-Fi/3G/GPS/GSM/LTE wireless communication<br /> models for data exchange during the management and machine level of automation application, Zigbee module as an IoT terminal or controller and PoE function for smart camera in detect inspection application of production. This is a flexible design that enables customers to customize their features which meet iDoor Technology.
iDoor Module: 2-Port Hilscher netX100 FieldBus mPCIe, EtherCAT, RJ45<br /> <br /> The PCM-26 series is categorized as Industrial Communication with Fieldbus Protocol modules from Advantech iDoor Technology. They are all compatible with the PCI Express® Mini Card Specification Revision 1.2. including Isolated / Non-Isolated RS-232/422/485 communication cards for automation control, Wi-Fi/3G/GPS/GSM/LTE wireless communication models for data exchange during the management and machine level of automation application, Zigbee module as an IoT terminal or controller and PoE function for smart camera in detect inspection application of production. This is a flexible design that enables customers to customize their features which meet iDoor Technology.
iDoor Module: 2-Port Hilscher netX100 FieldBus mPCIe, PROFINET, RJ45<br /> <br /> The PCM-26 series is categorized as Industrial Communication with Fieldbus Protocol modules from Advantech iDoor Technology. They are all compatible with the PCI Express® Mini Card Specification Revision 1.2. including Isolated / Non-Isolated RS-232/422/485 communication cards for automation control, Wi-Fi/3G/GPS/GSM/LTE wireless communication<br /> models for data exchange during the management and machine level of automation application, Zigbee module as an IoT terminal or controller and PoE function for smart camera in detect inspection application of production. This is a flexible design that enables customers to customize their features which meet iDoor Technology.
iDoor Module: 1-Port Hilscher netX100 FieldBus mPCIe, PROFIBUS, DB9<br /> <br /> The PCM-26 series is categorized as Industrial Communication with Fieldbus Protocol modules from Advantech iDoor Technology. They are all compatible with the PCI Express® Mini Card Specification Revision 1.2. including Isolated / Non-Isolated RS-232/422/485 communication cards for automation control, Wi-Fi/3G/GPS/GSM/LTE wireless communication<br /> models for data exchange during the management and machine level of automation application, Zigbee module as an IoT terminal or controller and PoE function for smart camera in detect inspection application of production. This is a flexible design that enables customers to customize their features which meet iDoor Technology.
iDoor Module: 2-Ports Isolated CANBus mPCIe, CANOpen, DB9<br /> <br /> The PCM-26 series is categorized as Industrial Communication with Fieldbus Protocol modules from Advantech iDoor Technology. They are all compatible with the PCI Express® Mini Card Specification Revision 1.2. including Isolated / Non-Isolated RS-232/422/485 communication cards for automation control, Wi-Fi/3G/GPS/GSM/LTE wireless communication models for data exchange during the management and machine level of automation application, Zigbee module as an IoT terminal or controller and PoE function for smart camera in detect inspection application of production. This is a flexible design that enables customers to customize their features which meet iDoor Technology.
2 x PC/104 Expansion Kit for UNO-2100 Series
2 x PC/104 Expansion Kit for UNO-2170
UNO-HD20 extension kit expands UNO-2000's storage space by one standard 2.5' HDD. Using the HDD extension, users have the drive space to accommodate popular operating systems, like Windows and Linux. This cost-effective, custom-fit solution gives UNO-2000 platforms more capacity to support a wider variety of operating systems and larger, more flexible storage capacity, creating support for a wider range of applications.

Встраиваемые промышленные компьютеры разработаны для интеграции в различные устройства и системы, обеспечивают высокую производительность и надежность в самых разнообразных условиях эксплуатации. Компания Корсон Технолоджис РУС (Corson) предлагает широкий ассортимент встраиваемых компьютеров, которые соответствуют высоким требованиям современных промышленных приложений.

Сфера применения 

  • Промышленная автоматизация: для управления производственными линиями, контроля качества продукции и мониторинга технологических процессов.

  • Транспорт и логистика: играют важную роль в управлении транспортными средствами, системах отслеживания грузов и автоматизации логистических операций.

  • Энергетика и коммунальные службы: применяются для мониторинга и управления энергосистемами, водоснабжением и другими коммунальными услугами.

  • Медицинские приборы: обеспечивают надежную работу диагностических и лечебных устройств.

  • Системы безопасности: для управления системами видеонаблюдения, контроля доступа и другими системами безопасности.

Особенности выбора 

  • Надежность и долговечность

Важными характеристиками являются высокий уровень защиты от пыли и влаги (например, IP65 и выше), что обеспечивает долговечность и надежность работы в любых условиях.

  • Мощность и производительность

Выбор встраиваемого компьютера зависит от требований к производительности. Высокопроизводительные процессоры Intel, AMD Ryzen, Daul-Core и другие проверенные бренды, большие объемы оперативной памяти и быстрые накопители обеспечивают выполнение сложных вычислительных задач и обработку больших объемов данных.

  • Энергоэффективность

Для многих приложений важна низкая потребляемая мощность, особенно в условиях ограниченных ресурсов. Встраиваемые компьютеры с энергосберегающими процессорами и системами управления энергопотреблением помогают снизить эксплуатационные расходы и продлить срок службы оборудования на производстве.

  • Размер и форм-фактор

Компактные размеры и возможность гибкой установки являются важными параметрами при выборе встраиваемых компьютеров. Они должны легко интегрироваться в существующие системы и устройства, занимая минимальное пространство.

  • Коммуникационные возможности

Современные встраиваемые компьютеры оснащены разнообразными интерфейсами для подключения периферийных устройств и сетевых коммуникаций. Поддержка Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, 4G/5G, а также различных портов ввода-вывода (USB, HDMI, Ethernet) обеспечивает гибкость и удобство интеграции.

  • Безвентиляторное охлаждение

Для использования в пыльных и загрязненных средах подходят встраиваемые безвентиляторные компьютеры с пассивным охлаждением. Это увеличивает надежность и срок службы устройств, так как отсутствуют движущиеся части, подверженные износу.

Преимущества встраиваемых компьютеров Corson

  • Высокая надежность и устойчивость к экстремальным условиям.

  • Мощная производительность.

  • Энергоэффективность.

  • Компактные размеры и гибкость установки на различных объектах промышленности.

  • Поддержка множества интерфейсов для подключения и обмена данными.

Если нужна помощь в выборе модели, свяжитесь с нашими специалистами. Компания Корсон Технолоджис РУС (Corson) предложит вам лучшие решения, соответствующие вашим требованиям и обеспечивающие максимальную эффективность в работе